It's time to enjoy the life you've always wanted to live.

Your mortgage shouldn't feel like a burden holding you back from something. It should open up a world of possibilities for you.

The AHA team helps you get a reverse mortgage that sets you free to do the things you love in life.

You've earned it. You deserve it. We'll make sure you get the best deal for it.

Why Should Everyone Get To Have All The Fun?

For those looking to start the next adventure in life and could use a little boost, a reverse mortgage is the best way to free up the cash to do it.

If you own your home and are looking to start pursuing some of those dreams you've been putting off, it's time to make it a reality. Reverse mortgages help people who want to:

  • Travel
  • Renovate their home
  • Make a large purchase
  • Level up their lifestyle


Your home has worked incredibly hard for you all these years. It should start to show in the way you live. There are things you can do now that you couldn't before when you were working so hard to get here. 

A reverse mortgage will unlock the life you deserve. 

How Can You Get A Reverse Mortgage?

This is the simple process

1. Schedule a Discovery Call

The journey starts by connecting with Chris or Jake on the phone. We make sure you get all the information you need to feel comfortable about securing a reverse mortgage on your home. We will listen to your story and help you start moving toward your goals.

2. Determine the current value of your home.

If you decide to work with us, we will arrange for an appraisal of your home.

3. Fill out an application.

When the appraisal is done, you'll have clarity on what you qualify for. We walk you through the process so you will never feel overwhelmed or stressed. You remain in control the whole time as you decide what you need and how you would like to receive it.

4. Consult a lawyer.

We always recommend getting some professional legal advice as you enter into this important stage of life. You want to make sure you are covered, that your equity is secure and everything is clear. You will want to keep around 50% of the value of your home when it is sold.

5. Receive your money.

Did you know that your reverse mortgage is tax-free? You can receive your payments as a lump sum or choose to get multiple instalments. You or your spouse do not have to pay mortgage payments while you live in your home.  

Chris and Jake understand how important it is to make the get the most out of your hard-earned equity.

We make sure you get the deal that best fits your needs and dreams.

You'll get the attention to detail and expert advice you need when you partner with us. We will always have your back. We will be relentlessly pursuing the right deal that fits your dreams and lifestyle. We know how important your equity is for what you want to do today and the legacy you want to leave tomorrow.

Our clients know that they can always come to us for advice, to ask a question, or to learn their financing options. 

Don't Waste Another Minute Wondering If You Could Qualify.

The journey to achieve that dream you've been carrying for so long starts with a simple phone call. We'd love to help you learn more about your options to secure a reverse mortgage for yourself.
Schedule A Discovery Call